To the friend I wish I’m still with

Allow me to start this article with the verse coming from John 15:13. “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” I could not imagine that this verse can actually happen in my life, and to be honest; this is one of the most heartbreaking moment in my life.

To see you dying in my own arms, trying to revive your breathe, and trying to ease every pain that you had; all of these are painful to me. I’ve tried to be strong and be brave but I know I’m just fooling myself, because deep inside I know everything is tearing apart. I wish I could do more just to save you but I know during that time I am not in control.

The moment you closed your eyes,I knew it was already the finish line of your journey. It’s painful to see you in that situation. I wish that I could give you my life just like what you did for me.

You’ve been a good friend to me and you are a great loss to me. Every night, you are still in my dreams and I could not help myself but to cry and be hurt.

I know that you are unhappy seeing me in this kind of posture. I’m hurt, broken, and depressed but whatever happens, I believe there is God who will continue to journey with me. I know that in every pain that I am suffering, He will carry me through.

My friend, I will be okay soon. Don’t worry, in God’s time I would be able to forget every pain of your loss and what will remain in my heart are the happy memories that we had. I will continue to live for the dreams that we had. But please, continue to pray for me in heaven, that I may be able to surpass these challenges that I have and to endure every pain that I am suffering. I missed you already.I still wish that you are with me but I know that you are happy wherever you are right now.

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